Dobro došli

u Winkhaus

Werk Winkhaus in Telgte

O nama

Poduzeća grupe Winkhaus razvijaju i proizvode iznimno kvalitetna sustavna rješenja za prozore i vrata te modernu organizaciju pristupa. Proizvođači građevinskih elemenata, stručnjaci za sigurnost, trgovci, arhitekti, građevinari i korisnici diljem svijeta cijene dugovječnu i inovativnu tehniku.

Winkhaus osvaja inovativnim proizvodima i stručnim uslugama. Korisniku prilagođena prozorska tehnika,praktične brave za vrata i inteligentna organizacija pristupa odlikuju se visokom kvalitetom.

Vrlo moderne tvornice tvrtke Winkhaus u Njemačkoj se nalaze na tri lokacije – uz glavno sjedište u Telgteu, tvrtka proizvodi u Münsteru i Meiningenu. Još jedno, jednako moderno postrojenje za prozorsku tehniku nalazi se u Poljskoj (Rydzyna). Zahvaljujući svojim međunarodnim društvima kćerima Winkhaus je prisutan diljem Europe.

Tvrtka Aug. Winkhaus SE & Co. KG od svog je osnutka 1854. godine poduzeće kojim upravlja vlasnik, a 100 posto je u vlasništvu osnivačke obitelji Winkhaus. Od tada već peta generacija vodi tim koji obuhvaća više od 2300 djelatnica i djelatnika.

Winkhaus „uvijek precizan”

Our mission is to offer more than just high-quality products and system solutions.

“Always precise” is our claim:
As a member of society that actively takes responsibility for people and the environment in its surroundings.
We are a top system supplier for window and door manufacturers and as a leading manufacturer of modern access organisation,
We are a responsible employer offering sustainable and secure work and expect high performance and commitment.

We are a forward-looking company that sees the demands arising from the needs of the society of the future as an opportunity to gain a head start for itself and its customers.

As different as these demands may be, we have the self-assurance to make a promise to our customers and partners:

We will be precise, in everything that we do. That is as valid for products, as it is for our business transactions. This promise is globally valid. And we are so serious about this that you will find this promise right next to our name.

Winkhaus. Always precise.

Responsibility for people and the environment

Sustainable thinking and action have a tradition at Winkhaus. We continuously invest in efficient and resource-saving processes and technologies to meet the growing demand for our future-oriented quality products as well as our responsibility for the environment. We optimise delivery processes and shorten transport routes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As a member of AUF e.V., we participate in the recycling cycle for aluminium residues. We also recycle steel, brass and plastic waste. Our energy management system is certified according to DIN ISO 5001.

We have been using our proven multiple-use system for decades to reduce packaging waste. Our small load carriers are an important component in the responsible use of resources which our customers also approve of.

Since we are one of the few manufacturers in the industry to conduct electroplating ourselves, an important focus is on environmentally friendly, nickel-free processes: Our systems are state-of-the-art. We use our own laboratories to regularly check to make sure we comply with the legally prescribed standards at all times.

Our locations


With four locations in Germany and international subsidiaries in Europe, we manufacture and sell high-quality products and services for windows and doors worldwide.

Winkhaus Weltkugel